International Construction - April 2015 - page 50

april 2015
Technology is key
quiet,mid-size excavation equipment.”
MrTurner said part of the past problem
with lighter excavation equipment inmid-
depth utility work was that the machines
couldn’t handle heavy steel trench boxes
- shoring systems to support trench walls
- that were developed for use with large
excavators. Steel trench boxes, he said,
weighed about three times as much as
The use of lightweight aluminium
shields inplaceof steel boxes has increased
dramatically over the last few years,” he said. “With aluminium,
the contractor gains amuch lighter box that is far bettermatched
to the excavators he is using.”
MrTurner added that the company forecast widespread growth
indemand for aluminium trench shieldingover thenextfiveyears
Computer applications
One company that has been proactive in developing contractor-
friendlycomputer applications isNorthAmerican-basedMcElroy
–whichhas released its newDataLogger 5.
The company’s latest device offers site operators working on
pipe-fusing jobs the ability to upload data from a job to a free
online space, where it canbe reviewed and analysed in real-time.
The data recorded canbe accessed over the Internet, potentially
providing time saving onproject analysis.
Other capabilities of the logger includeGPS stamping, barcode
scanning and a 5megapixel camera. Its online system, known as
The Vault, can be accessed by anyone who rents, owns or uses a
DataLogger. It allows users to view and analyse joint data from
almost any device and is sorted by site, device serial number,
operator’s identity ormachinemodel.
ChipMcElroy, CEO, said, “Data logging is being required on
more andmore jobsites to verify pipeline integrity.We are happy
to offer tools that allow fusion operators to do this as easily and
efficiently as possible.”
In addition to computer software, there have also been
advancements in the excavator field including the use of custom-
made cameras and attachments used on machines to improve
operational efficiency and accuracy.
Joep van den Maagdenberg, product specialist at Hitachi
Construction Machinery Europe, explained the company had
the market in recent years is to spray line
with polyester plastics. But we see that
lining with flexible liners is increasing
and gaining ground against the various
spraymethods. Somuch so that even the
leading spray companies are now starting
their own departments that only work
with lining.”
In the trenching sector, American
Augers offers machines under the
Trencor brand. The range includes the
T1060 powered by a 350 hp (261 kW)
engine with a maximum chain pull of
63,405 lbs (28. 7 tonne), and T1360
(pictured operating in Australia)
featuring a 440 hp (328 kW) engine and
chain pull of 53,332 lbs (24.6 tonne),
through to its T1760.This has a 950 hp
103,205 lbs (46. 8 tonnes).
The company, which has been building
large trenchers since the 1940s, said its
series’ mechanical drive system had been
developed to reduce tooth wear. Low
maintenance costs and improved fuel-
efficiency are also among the key features.
But notwithstanding the development
of specialised machines and technologies, traditional utilities
construction techniques remain inuse inmanypartsof theworld.
But there is alsodevelopment here.
The US-based National Trench Safety specialist rental
company said trench shields were evolving, as contractorsmoved
increasingly towards using lightweight excavation machinery to
dig trenches.
Joe Turner, director of engineering, said, “The change in
excavation technology is strongly related to the advancement
of smaller, lightweight equipment for excavations in mid depth
“Large, heavy down anddeep excavators tear up streets, require
a larger footprint on the street, generate more noise, burnmore
fuel, have higher transportation, storage andmaintenance costs,
and leave a much larger carbon footprint, among many other
factors.These factors have driven the development of powerful,
Vermeer has released its D100x140 S3 Navigator horizontal directional drill.
Using a datalogger can improve
Hitachi’s ZZ210LC-5 excavator has been used to good effect
for pipe installation in Copenhagen.
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